Friday, June 13, 2008

"I'm Voting Republican"...Crazy Hits On The Web!

Hi All!

Take a satirical look at dedicated Republican's reasons for voting their party.

This was a independent film I was involved in here in AZ with SyntheticHuman Pictures.

This was uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday 6/10 and has already received 1.5M+ hits and the very informative website has received 468K+ hits since it launch on Sunday 6/8!

It is currently on the front page of Google Video, the top of the Alternet heap, featured on BuzzFeed, Wired's Blog Feed and even on Talking Points Memo. Today it was on MSNBC news!

If you have not seen this already, do yourself a favor and do so!!

Thanks for your support!

P.S. I am the lesbian!!